Excellent news from the Big Lottery this week! Our application for 3 years funding was successful amounting £460,510 to extend our 'BU' course for young people into more schools in Newcastle and Gateshead. ‘BU’ (Be Yourself) is one of several accredited courses for young people that have been developed with young people by WEYES to improve the self-esteem, confidence and wellbeing of young people. The course leads to a Diploma which for some young people is the only recognised qualification they have and can be the spur they need to enrol on a college course. We were also very pleased to have the publicity in the newspapers and even on the local TV news.
Also wonderful news from Gateshead Council who have decided to continue to grant fund our 'Gateshead Supporting Children' project. This is particularly good news because for most of the past year they been warning us that the grant would end on 31st March. The change of heart seems to have come about because the primary schools really value these 'friendship groups' that the project runs. The groups are for children most at risk of social exclusion and they help improve school attendance and overall educational achievement. Children are referred to the groups by their teachers. Children North East staff visit the children and their parents at home to obtain their agreement and also make an important link between the school and home. The groups run for a whole term in school during the school day for 4 to 6 children at a time.